
by Jason Wasserman MD PhD FRCPC
November 2, 2022

What is a syringoma?

Syringoma is a non-cancerous type of skin tumour. The tumour develops from sweat glands normally found in the skin. Most patients are between 60 and 80 years old.

Where are syringomas found?

Most syringomas are found on the face, especially on the eyelids or around the eyes. Multiple syringomas may be found on the neck, chest, back, abdomen, and genital region.

How do pathologists make the diagnosis of syringoma?

The diagnosis is usually made after the entire tumour has been removed in a procedure called an excision. The diagnosis can also be made after only a small part of the tumour is removed in a procedure called a biopsy.


What does it mean if my report says the tumour was incompletely excised?

Incompletely excised means that only part of the tumour was removed from the body. Pathologists describe a tumour as being incompletely excised when tumour cells are seen at the edge of the tissue. In pathology, the cut edge of the tissue is also called the margin. It is normal for a tumour to be incompletely excised after a small procedure such as a biopsy because these procedures are usually not performed to remove the entire tumour. However, larger procedures such as excisions and resections are usually performed to remove the entire tumour.

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