Ischemic necrosis

by Jason Wasserman MD PhD FRCPC
July 14, 2022

What is ischemic necrosis?

Ischemic necrosis is a type of cell death that happens when blow flow to a tissue is reduced or stopped. An infarct is a type of ischemic necrosis.

What causes ischemic necrosis?

Anything that causes a loss of blood flow to tissue can result in ischemic necrosis. Common causes include coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, emboli (blood clots), chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and increased tissue pressure.

Where is ischemic necrosis commonly seen?

Ischemic necrosis can happen anywhere although it is commonly seen in the heart, brain, digestive tract, and bones. Ischemic necrosis can also be seen in a tumour if the blood supply to the tumour is suddenly reduced or cut off. This can happen if a medical procedure called embolization is performed.

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