foamy histiocytes


What is xanthelasma? Xanthelasma (pronounced “zan-the-las-ma”) is a non-cancerous growth made up of fat-filled immune cells called histiocytes. Histiocytes are specialized cells that help remove waste products from the body. Xanthelasmas are found on the eyelids and around the eyes. What causes a xanthelasma? Xanthelasma develops in people who have high blood cholesterol levels. These …
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Foamy histiocytes

Histiocytes are a type of immune cell. They help the body heal after an injury or infection by removing dead cells, blood, micro-organisms (such as bacteria and fungus), and foreign material from the body. Foamy is a term pathologists use to describe histiocytes that are full of waste removed from the surrounding tissue. Pathologists commonly …
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