

A mutation is a change in a gene, which is a piece of DNA that provides instructions for how a cell should function. In a molecular pathology report, the word “mutation” means that there has been a genetic change in the tumour’s DNA. Some mutations are harmless, while others can contribute to cancer development or …
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EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor)

EGFR stands for epidermal growth factor receptor. It is a gene that provides instructions for making a protein found on the surface of cells. This protein is part of a family of receptors that help cells respond to signals telling them to grow and divide. EGFR is involved in normal cellular processes, but when it …
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Next-generation sequencing (NGS)

What is next-generation sequencing? Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a way of finding out the order of the letters in DNA or RNA, the genetic material inside our cells. DNA and RNA are made of four different letters: A, C, G, and T for DNA, and A, C, G, and U for RNA. The order of …
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