
Intramuscular myxoma

What is an intramuscular myxoma? An intramuscular myxoma is a non-cancerous tumour made up of spindle cells surrounded by myxoid tissue and located within a muscle. Is an intramuscular myxoma benign or malignant? An intramuscular myxoma is a benign (non-cancerous) type of tumour. Can an intramuscular myxoma turn into cancer over time? No. Intramuscular myxoma …
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What is a myxoma? A myxoma is a non-cancerous tumour made up of spindle cells surrounded by myxoid tissue. Where are myxomas found in the body? Myxomas are commonly found in the heart, skin, and ovaries, around joints, inside nerves, and within skeletal muscle. Is a myxoma benign or malignant? A myxoma is a benign …
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Cardiac myxoma

A cardiac myxoma is a non-cancerous tumour that forms inside the heart. It is made up of long thin spindle cells surrounded by myxoid tissue. Cardiac myxoma is the second most common type of heart tumour in adults. What are the symptoms of a cardiac myxoma? The symptoms of a cardiac myxoma depend on the …
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What does myxoid mean? In pathology, the term myxoid is used to describe tissue that contains a large concentration of complex sugars called mucopolysaccharides. These sugars give the tissue a gelatinous consistency and make the tissue appear light blue when stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and examined under the microscope. Is myxoid tissue normal? No. …
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