ovarian cyst

Mucinous cystadenofibroma of the ovary

What is mucinous cystadenofibroma? A mucinous cystadenofibroma is a non-cancerous type of ovarian tumour.  While these tumours are non-cancerous, they can grow to be very large in size and can cause significant symptoms for many patients. How do pathologists make this diagnosis? For most women, the diagnosis of mucinous cystadenofibroma is only made when the …
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Corpus luteum cyst of the ovary

What is a corpus luteum cyst? A corpus luteum cyst is a non-cancerous fluid-filled growth in the ovary. These types of cysts are very common in women of reproductive age. What causes a corpus luteum cyst? The corpus luteum is a normal structure that remains in the ovary after ovulation. It is made up of …
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Cortical inclusion cyst of the ovary

What is a cortical inclusion cyst? A cortical inclusion cyst is a non-cancerous change that is commonly seen when the ovary of a reproductive-age woman is examined under a microscope. It is a small hole that forms from a break in the tissue on the surface of the ovary. Pathologists use the word cyst to …
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Cystic follicles and follicle cysts of the ovary

What are cystic follicles and follicle cysts in the ovary? Cystic follicles and follicle cysts are related non-cancerous changes commonly seen when the ovary of a reproductive-age woman is examined under the microscope. Both are created by the growth of a normal structure called a follicle that did not release its ovum (egg) during the …
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Serous cystadenoma of the ovary

What is a serous cystadenoma? A serous cystadenoma is a very common non-cancerous type of ovarian tumour. It develops from the cells on the surface of the ovary. While these tumours are non-cancerous, they can grow to be very large in size and as a result, can cause significant symptoms for many patients. What are …
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