plasma cells


This article was written by pathologists. This article aims to help patients understand what CD138 is and its significance in pathology reports. It includes sections on what CD138 is, where it is normally found, how pathologists test for it, and which benign and malignant tumours express CD138. What is CD138? CD138 is a protein found …
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A plasmacytoma is a tumour made up of specialized immune cells called plasma cells. When a plasmacytoma forms outside of a bone it is called an extraosseous plasmacytoma. If only a single tumour is found in a bone without evidence of abnormal plasma cells in other parts of the body, it is called a solitary …
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Antibodies also known as immunoglobulins are a special type of protein made by plasma cells. These special proteins protect our bodies by sticking to bacteria and viruses, which makes them easier to remove from the body. They can also stick to abnormal cells or cells that have stopped functioning normally. A plasma cell neoplasm is …
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Plasma cells

Definition: Plasma cells are a type of white blood cell (WBC) and part of the body’s immune system. They are part of a group of immune cells called lymphocytes. Plasma cells produce proteins called immunoglobulins (also known as antibodies) that protect our body by sticking to bacteria and viruses. Antibodies can also stick to abnormal …
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What is a lymphocyte? A lymphocyte is a specialized type of immune cell and a type of white blood cell (WBC). Lymphocytes are responsible for protecting our body from infections and for helping us heal after an injury. Normal lymphocytes are small cells with a limited amount of cytoplasm (cell body) surrounding a dark round …
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