poorly differentiated

Poorly differentiated carcinoma

Poorly differentiated carcinoma is a type of cancer made up of cells that line the surfaces of organs. Differentiation describes how much cancer cells resemble normal cells from the tissue where they started. When cancer is poorly differentiated, the tumour cells have lost many of the normal structures and features, making it difficult to tell …
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Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma

Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer that begins in glandular cells (cells that produce mucus or other fluids), which are found in many organs, including the stomach, intestines, lungs, and pancreas. In this type of cancer, the cancer cells have lost many of their normal structures, making them look very different from the …
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Poorly differentiated

In pathology, poorly differentiated is a term used to describe how cancer cells look under a microscope. When cells are poorly differentiated, they appear very different from normal cells in the body. Normal cells are well-organized and have specific structures, but poorly differentiated cells lose these typical features, making it hard to tell where they …
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