thyroid biopsy

Benign follicular nodule of the thyroid gland

A benign follicular nodule is a non-cancerous lump in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is located in your neck and produces hormones that control your metabolism. “Benign” means it’s not cancer. The nodule is often associated with a condition called nodular thyroid hyperplasia which means non-cancerous growth of the thyroid gland. In this condition, …
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Suspicious for follicular neoplasm

What does “suspicious for follicular neoplasm” mean? Suspicious for follicular neoplasm is a term pathologists use to describe an abnormal growth in the thyroid gland. It is a preliminary diagnosis that includes both non-cancerous and cancerous conditions. These conditions include: Adenomatoid nodule – Adenomatoid nodule is a non-cancerous type of growth in the thyroid gland. …
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