
Dedifferentiation (dedifferentiated)

Dedifferentiation (or dedifferentiated) in pathology refers to the process where mature, specialized cells revert to a more primitive, less specialized state. This phenomenon is typically observed in cancer cells, where the tumor progresses from a differentiated, often less aggressive state to a less differentiated, more aggressive state. Dedifferentiated cells exhibit higher levels of proliferative activity …
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Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma

Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma is an aggressive type of cancer made up of tumour cells that resemble cartilage. The tumour is called ‘dedifferentiated’ because it develops from within a more well-differentiated type of cartilage cancer called conventional chondrosarcoma. What are the symptoms of dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma? Symptoms of dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma include pain and swelling over the involved bone. …
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