fungal infection

Mycetoma of the sinuses

A mycetoma of the sinus, also known as a fungal ball, is a type of fungal infection that occurs within the paranasal sinuses. It is typically non-invasive but can cause significant symptoms due to the mass effect of the fungal accumulation. What causes a mycetoma? Mycetoma of the sinus is caused by the accumulation of …
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Hypertrophic candidiasis

Background: Hypertrophic candidiasis, also known as chronic hyperplastic candidiasis, is a persistent fungal infection of the oral cavity caused by Candida species, most commonly Candida albicans. Unlike other forms of oral candidiasis, which often present as white, removable plaques, hypertrophic candidiasis results in thickened, white plaques that cannot be easily scraped off. This condition represents …
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