
Cautery artifact

Cautery artifact is the term pathologists use to describe how heat changes how cells look when examined under the microscope. Electrocautery is commonly used during surgical procedures. Electrocautery stops bleeding by heating the tissue and clotting the blood. When examined under a microscope, cautery artifact causes the cytoplasm (cell’s body) to look pinker (eosinophilic) and …
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CD34 is a protein normally produced by endothelial cells (the cells that line the inside of blood vessels), immature (developing) immune cells, and supporting connective tissue cells. It can also be produced by some types of tumour cells. Pathologists use a test called immunohistochemistry to see cells producing this protein under the microscope. What does …
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In pathology, the term benign is used to describe a non-cancerous growth such as a tumour. It can also be used to describe normal tissue. The opposite of benign is malignant. Does benign mean normal? Benign can sometimes mean normal but not always. Pathologists often use this term to say that something is not cancer. …
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A resection is a surgical procedure performed to remove an area of abnormal tissue such as a tumour from the body. A resection usually removes all of the abnormal tissue plus some surrounding normal tissue. The tissue removed is called a specimen and the cut edge of the tissue is called the margin. This type …
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In pathology, a specimen is anything that is removed or collected from the human body and sent to a laboratory so that it can be examined by a pathologist. A specimen could be a small piece of tissue or it could be an entire organ. A specimen could also be a fluid, such as blood …
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Answers to frequently asked questions

What is pathology? Who writes my pathology report? Who can I talk to about my pathology report? What happens to my tissue sample after it is sent to the laboratory?​ What are common pathology tests? What does gross description mean? What is a frozen section? What is an addendum? What are the most important pathological …
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