vocal cord

Laryngeal amyloidosis

Background: Laryngeal amyloidosis is a rare condition in which an abnormal protein called amyloid builds up in the tissues of the larynx. This buildup can cause thickening and stiffness of the affected tissues, affecting the voice and breathing. Although amyloidosis can occur in other parts of the body, in laryngeal amyloidosis, the amyloid deposits are …
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Keratosis without dysplasia

Keratosis without dysplasia in the larynx refers to a condition where the tissue that covers the inside surface of the larynx is abnormally thick without showing signs of dysplasia, which means there are no precancerous changes in the cells. This change is most commonly seen in the vocal cords although other parts of the larynx …
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High grade dysplasia of the larynx

High grade dysplasia of the larynx (also called severe keratinizing squamous dysplasia) is a precancerous condition. If not treated, this condition can evolve into a type of laryngeal cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. This condition typically affects adults over the age of 40 years. The larynx The larynx is a structure located in the upper …
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Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common type of cancer in the larynx. It often develops from a precancerous condition called keratinizing squamous dysplasia. It typically affects adults over the age of 40 years. The larynx The larynx is a structure located in the upper neck just above the trachea. Its functions include protecting …
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Vocal cord nodule

A vocal cord nodule (also known as a vocal cord polyp) is a non-cancerous growth that develops in a part of the larynx called the vocal cords. Most nodules are caused by an injury that damages the vocal cords. Excessive shouting, recent surgery, and prior infection of the larynx are common causes. What are the …
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Vocal cord polyp

A vocal cord polyp (also known as a vocal cord nodule) is a non-cancerous growth that develops in a part of the larynx called the vocal cords. Most polyps are caused by an injury that damages the vocal cords. Excessive shouting, recent surgery, and prior infection of the larynx are common causes. What are the …
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