breast tumour

Invasive breast carcinoma

Invasive breast carcinoma (not otherwise specified) is the most common type of breast cancer. It starts in the cells lining the ducts of the breast and invades surrounding breast tissue. This type of cancer is often referred to as invasive ductal carcinoma. It is the most common form of breast cancer. The diagnosis of invasive …
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Encapsulated papillary carcinoma of the breast

Encapsulated papillary carcinoma is a non-invasive type of breast cancer. “Non-invasive” means that the cancerous cells are confined to where they started and have not spread to nearby breast tissue. This type of tumour behaves similarly to another non-invasive breast cancer called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), which also has a low risk of spreading. …
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Invasive apocrine carcinoma of the breast

Invasive apocrine carcinoma is a type of breast cancer. This type of breast cancer is made up of large pink cells that resemble the cells typically found in apocrine-type sweat glands in the skin. Invasive apocrine carcinoma is a rare type of cancer, representing approximately 1% of all breast cancers. What are the symptoms of …
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Borderline phyllodes tumour of the breast

Background: A borderline phyllodes tumour is a type of breast tumour that shows uncertain behaviour over time. While most borderline phyllodes will behave like a non-cancerous tumour over time, a small number will spread to other parts of the body in a manner more in keeping with a cancerous tumour. What are the symptoms of …
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Benign phyllodes tumour

Background: A benign phyllodes tumour is a rare type of breast tumour. It is classified as a fibroepithelial tumour because it comprises both “fibrous” and “epithelial” elements. It’s part of a spectrum of tumours known as phyllodes tumours, which can also be malignant (cancerous) or borderline (having features between benign and malignant). Benign phyllodes tumours …
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Invasive ductal carcinoma with apocrine features

Invasive ductal carcinoma with apocrine features is a type of breast cancer. This type of breast cancer is made up of large pink cells that resemble the cells typically found in apocrine-type sweat glands in the skin. Invasive ductal carcinoma with apocrine features is a rare type of cancer, representing approximately 1% of all breast …
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Sclerosing adenosis of the breast

Sclerosing adenosis is a non-cancerous growth made up of small glands in the breast. The glands are surrounded by a type of connective tissue that resembles a scar. When large enough, this type of growth can be seen in imaging studies such as mammography, and a biopsy may be performed to rule out cancer. What …
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Secretory carcinoma of the breast

Secretory carcinoma is a rare type of breast cancer characterized by a genetic change involving two genes – ETV6 and NTRK3. A tumour also called secretory carcinoma and sharing the same genetic change can also be found in the salivary glands, thyroid gland and skin. Secretory carcinoma can affect both women and men and can …
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Intraductal papilloma of the breast

An intraductal papilloma is a non-cancerous type of breast tumour. It is called “intraductal” because it is found inside (“intra”) a small open space called a duct. The purpose of a duct is to provide a path for milk to flow from the glands deep inside the breast to the nipple. About this article This …
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Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH)

Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH) is a non-cancerous growth in the breast. It is made up of specialized cells called myofibroblasts. The growth is called “pseudoangiomatous” (which means “like blood vessels”) because the myofibroblasts form small slit-like spaces that look similar to blood vessels when examined under the microscope. What causes PASH? PASH appears to be …
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