
Acute inflammation

Acute inflammation is the body’s first defense response to injury or disease. The response is led by immune cells such as neutrophils and eosinophils. Acute inflammation can be associated with infections, traumatic injury, autoimmune disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis), or cancer. Although the acute inflammatory response is an important part of the body’s defense system, …
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In pathology, “grade” is a term used to describe the appearance and behavior of cells within a tissue sample, typically cancerous tumors and precancerous conditions but also some noncancerous conditions. Grade is important because it provides clues about the potential for disease progression and guides treatment decisions. Grading in cancer In the context of cancer, …
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What does TNM stand for? TNM stands for Tumour, Nodes, and Metastasis. It is an internationally recognized staging system originally created by the American Joint Committee on Cancer. The stage will be included in your pathology report if you have been diagnosed with cancer. The TNM uses information about the tumour (T), lymph nodes, (N), …
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Immunohistochemistry (IHC)

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a widely used laboratory test that involves the use of antibodies to detect specific antigens (proteins) in cells within tissue sections. Pathologists use this test to see the distribution and localization of specific proteins within different parts of a tissue, thereby providing valuable diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive information. How does immunohistochemistry work? …
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In pathology, a margin is the edge of a tissue that is cut when removing a tumour from the body. The margins described in a pathology report are very important because they tell you if the entire tumour was removed or if some of the tumour was left behind. The margin status will determine what …
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A biopsy is a medical procedure that involves the extraction of sample cells or tissues from the body to examine more closely under a microscope. This process is important for diagnosing diseases, especially cancer, by allowing pathologists to observe the cellular structure and detect the presence of disease conditions within the sample. Types of biopsies …
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