

An osteoblastoma is a rare non-cancerous bone type of bone tumour. These tumours usually range in size from about 2 to 5 cm but they can be much larger, up to 20 cm. They are most frequently found in the bones of the legs, feet, and spine, but other locations are possible. A tumour that …
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Osteoid osteoma

An osteoid osteoma is a common type of non-cancerous bone tumour. These tumours are usually small (less than 2 cm) and are most frequently found in the bones of the legs, arms, spine, hands, and feet. They generally occur in children and young adults but can occasionally be found in older adults. The most common …
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Osteosarcoma is a type of bone cancer and the most common type of sarcoma to develop in a bone. Osteosarcomas more commonly affect teenagers but it can also affect adults. The most common site for osteosarcoma is the long bone of the thigh. Pathologists divide osteosarcomas into histologic types based on how the tumour cells …
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